,Med hjælp er det så lykkes at få billeder på, tusind tak for hjælpen Birthe, det hjalp sørme :0). På billedet ses min inspiration til første farvning i år. With help I have succeed in getting pictures, thank you so much for your help Birthe, it helped indeed: 0). The picture shows my inspiration for the first dyeing this year.
Fibrene er en blanding af 50% angora og 50% silke. Jeg har farvet i gryde, og tilsat farverne af 2 omgange efter fibrene var kommet i gryden, for at bevare en del af den hvide, og alligevel give det hele et skær af grønt. Fibrene er næsten tørre, og jeg synes vintergækken er fanget fint ind.
The fibers are a blend of 50% angora and 50% silk. I've dyed in a kettle, and have added the colors of 2 times, after the fibers had come into the kettle, to preserve a part of the white, and still give it all a glow of green. The fibers are almost dry, and I think the snowdrop is captured nicely.