Hej allesammen, jeg er så glad for at kunne byde jer indenfor i mit Spindehjørne, og håber I har nydt turen indtil nu.
Hello everyone, I am so happy to welcome you inside my spinning Corner, and hope you enjoyed the trip so far.
Som barn elskede jeg at sidde ved siden af min mormor, der syede på sin træde symaskine og samle stumper, bånd og fine knapper som blev omsat til det smukkeste dukketøj (i hvert fald i mine øjne:0)), og af min moster, der både hæklede og strikkede, fik jeg lært disse håndværk fra bunden.
As a child I loved to sit next to my grandmother, who sewed on her treadle sewing machine where I assemble pieces, ribbons and nice buttons which I transformed into the most beautiful dolls cloths (at least in my eyes: 0)), and from my aunt, who both crochet and knit, I learned the craft from scratch.
Da jeg gik på seminariet tilbage i begyndelsen af firserne, blev jeg smittet af en spinde- og fibergal lærer, som lærte mig ALT om uld, spinding og plantefarvning, en besættelse der har holdt ved siden, dog med en pause på ca. 25 år da livet stillede krav om andre prioriteringer, hvis mine børn skulle have tøj på kroppen.
When I went to college back in the early eighties, I was infected by a spinning and fiber mad teacher who taught me EVERYTHING about wool, spinning and natural dyeing, an occupation that has lasted since, with a break of approx. 25 years when life demanded other priorities, if my kids should have clothes to wear.
Tilbage i 2008 kom en god kollega og spurgte om jeg kunne hjælpe hende med at spinde noget hundeuld, og dette åbnede mine øjne for den helt enorme udvikling, der har været på fiberområdet.
Back in 2008, a good colleague came and asked me if I could help her to spin some dog wool, and this opened my eyes to the truly enormous progress that has been on the fiber area.
Nettet har givet muligheder for at afprøve ikke bare fibre fra får, men moskus uld, bison, kashmir og yak er kommet indenfor rækkevidde sammen med bambus, muslingeskal, mælk med mange flere.
De fleste af de fibre der er brugt i mit garn, får jeg fra små familiebrug fortrinsvis i England.
De mere exotiske fibre som silke, angora, kashmir, yak og mohair får jeg fra World of Wool også i England. WOW (forkortelsen for World of Wool) er meget opmærksomme på dyrevelfærd og arbejdsmiljø, de steder de har aftaler med.
The Internet has given opportunities to test not just fibers from sheep, but musk ox wool, bison, cashmere and yak has come within reach along with bamboo, sea shell, milk and many more.
Most of the fibers used in my yarn, I get from small family farms mainly in England.
The more exotic fibers like silk, angora, cashmere, yak and mohair I get from World of Wool in England. WOW (abbreviation for World of Wool) is very aware of animal welfare and working environment, the places they have agreements with.
Jeg modtager som regel fibrene i deres naturfarver, og de bliver så efterfølgende farvet med ugiftige syrefarver i mit køkken. Farvepulveret køber jeg hos det Danske firma Granat. Pulveret er meget lys- og farveægte.
I receive usually the fibers in their natural colors and then they are subsequently dyed with non-toxic acid colors in my kitchen. The colour powder I purchase at the Danish company Granat. The colors are very light- and color genuine.
Også farvning af fibrene har undergået en stor forandring. Det er nu muligt at farve de mest interessante og holdbare farver i mit eget køkken, blot med hjælp af citronsyre eller eddike, hvilket betyder at jeg har uanede muligheder når jeg fremstiller mit garn.
Also dyeing of the fibers have undergone a great change. It is now possible to dye in the most interesting and lasting color in my own kitchen, just by using citric acid or vinegar, which means I have endless possibilities when I make my yarn.
Da jeg gerne ville byde jer lidt lækkert, inden i kører videre med bussen, vil en af jer få muligheden for selv at afprøve hånspundet garn og lækre fibres kvaliteter i dette par pulsvarmere, som jeg i dagens anledning gerne vil sende til en af jer læsere. Det eneste du skal gøre er at lægge en kommentar, så vil Lykkens Gudinde udtrække en heldig vinder den sidste dag i august. Pulsvarmerne er strikket af en blanding af superwash merino og silke, dejligt lunt, blødt og fint og det perfekte tilbehør, når det igen bliver køligere.
When I wanted to offer you some delicious, before the bus runs further, one of you will have the opportunity to try what hand spun yarn and delicious fiber qualities offers, in this pair of wrist warmers, which I in honor of the day would like to ship to one of you readers. The only thing you need to do is leave a comment, then the Goddess of Fortune will choise one lucky winner the last day of August. This wristwarmers are hand knitted from a blend of superwash merino and silk, nice, warm, soft and sweet and the perfect accessory when it again becomes cooler.
29 kommentarer:
interessant læsning, og wow sikke smukke håndledsvarmere, jeg vil gerne pröve lykken og se om jeg bliver heldig.
kh.fra Island
Ja, spændende, får meget lyst til at prøve at spinde (igen) og farve garn. De håndledsvarmere ser rigtig skønne ud!
Hvor er det rigtigt, det du skriver om den enorme udvikling, der har været indenfor fiberverdenen. Jeg har netop fundet min rok frem igen efter ca. 25 år - og hvor er det skønt!
Hej. Hvor spændende udvikling der er sket. Prøvede selv at spinde på et tidspunkt. Men fik det ikke rigtig lært. Så nu nøjes jeg med at strikke. Håber at vinde. Jette.
What a lovely giveaway, I'd love to take part. So interesting to hear how it all started and where you get all your fibres. Enjoy the rest of the tour
Oh dear, I feel another craft coming on. How wonderful that get to enjoy not only making your hand made items but actually being involved in the process of preparing the wool. It is all beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your story xx
Hello Susanne
What a wonderful blog post, thank you for sharing what you developed your love for your craft.
I really enjoyed reading it.
Joy xx
Hi Susanne, so brilliant to see what you do, I love knitting and to be able to source the wool back to a true crafter is fantastic. Next time I have a project I will look for some of your gorgeous hand-dyed wool. (Except I might not tell my husband as he thinks I have enough already..!) Also, please enter me in the giveaway - gorgeous gloves! Kristin x
Hi Suzanne, What a wonderful interesting blog :-D Would love to join your giveaway too xox
What a great post, to be able to see your story and how it all got started!! I'd love to win your beautiful wrist warmers! Judy
Hvor er de smukke! Jeg vil også gerne være med i lodtrækningen. Er vildt imponeret over dine farve- og spindeevner!
Hi Suzanne. The colors you dye your wool are amazing, so reading about the process was fun. Continued success in all that you do.
Hi Suzanne. The colors you dye your wool are amazing, so reading about the process was fun. Continued success in all that you do.
Such beautiful yarns - I Love to knit and crochet, but I think I'll need to wait until the weather is a little cooler!
Great post - really interesting to read about the different types of yarn. Yes please, I'd love to be entered in the giveaway. Sharon
Learning from family members is so special - when you have great memories it really helps to make the skills last a lifetime.
Your yarns are so beautiful! It is easy to see why you love the craft so much :) I wish I had time to do more yarn craft but my list of hobbies is far too long at the moment!
I enjoyed reading your post, Susanne -- you are an amazing woman and you do beautiful work! Wishing you all the best! ♡
Reading your post opened my eyes to the fibre arts in a different way...never knew that you could spin dog hair...the gloves are gorgeous and I would love to win them...thank you for such a generous giveaway! Enjoy your day.
Beautiful post my friend, very cool to learn more about all the different fibers. You know I'm a huge fan of your work and the gloves are stunning, so count me in ;)
Your work is always so amazing! Love the wrist warmers and would love to own them!
Nam-nam, dem gad jeg da godt eje, og ikke mindst slide :-)
Hvor bliver jeg bare glad for at læse alle jeres søde kommentarer, og er allerede begyndt at glæde mig til at sende den lille pakke af sted.
I´m just so happy to read all your sweet comments, and I look forward to ship the small package to a nice person.
I love spinning Sus' fiber!
Hello. I am so excited to discover your blog. I too am Danish (my grandparents came from Jutland). These knitted wrist warmers are beautiful as is your hand dyed yarn. You are so talented!
Ih altså - det må jeg også prøve - hvor er de fine :-)
Og spændende at høre historien om, hvordan du kom i gang og fik interessen :-)
I'm glad to have discovered your blog. It must be so satisfying to make something with yarn that you've spun yourself.
These look lovely and make for a great giveaway, please enter me. I am also on the blog tour and happy to visit the other stops. I'll start following.
What a great post - I love your wristwarmers!
Please count me in your lovely giveaway!
Sikke mange fine - og interessante - ting, du fortæller i bloggen!
Det er en fin gave i sig selv!
En fornøjelse at følge med i!
What a flood of interesting things you cover in your blog!
Pleasure to read and learn!
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