I have luckily finished the sweater for Noah's birthday and it was really soft and warm.
Sweateren er strikket rundt som et rør, og da den havde fuld længde blev der klippet op til ærmegab.
The sweater is knitted around like a tube , and when it was full length, it was cut up for armholes.
Detaljen med nøgleringen dækker over at jeg ikke havde målt omhyggeligt nok ud til opklipningen, og lavede en rigtig kedelig og dum fejl. Heldigvis viste fejltagelsen sig at blive en sej detalje.
The detail with the keychain, is because I made a silly mistake and cut up in the wrong place . Fortunately, the mistake came out to be a cool detail.
2 kommentarer:
No one would have known if you hadn't said, it's a great detail and one which I think you nephew will love
Thanks, and I think doing mistakes is how our creativity is developed
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